Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship nationwide?

We are working on this. Currently, we ship within zone one from the radius of the store and identified by the UPS shipping zone. Products shipped weekly and should normally arrive the next day!

Are your products organic?

We are not certified organic, as this requires us to pay a fee and go through the certification process. I like to tell our customers that we are beyond organic because of the standards and practices we adhere to.

Are your animals raised humanely? 

Yes, we care for our animals in a stress-free environment.

Is your beef aged?

Yes, we have our beef and pork processed by a local processor who has won numerous awards both nationally and internationally. Our Angus beef is dry-aged in a cooler for at least two weeks, which helps to tenderize the meat before it is cut and packaged in vacuum sealed packages.

Do you sell wholesale?

We have a list of returning customers who occasionally buy quarters or halves of beef or pork as well. We make announcements when we will have beef for sale at the wholesale level, which usually sells out fast.

Are your products USDA inspected?

Yes, our products can be used in restaurants and served to customers if so desired.

Who does your processing?

Our beef and pork are processed by Mike's Northwoods Locker, located in Clayton WI. Mike and his staff have won numerous awards both nationally and internationally. Our animals are handled with great care in a low stress environment so that they remain calm right up until they are slaughtered.

Taste the difference.
with customization by Grapevine Local Food Marketing